Exciting Hour

Today I decided to sneak in a jog after work and before going the movies. I did however significantly underestimate the heat. I knew I was going to eat/drink with friends later in the night, so I was trying to offset calories.

I did my usual 3.8 mile loop close to my house in exactly 1 hour. I should have turned around right away as the heat was terrible. But I’m not very smart 🙂

As I started walking to warm up, I revisit The List of Lists from SRG to review objects to spot. I was on the hunt!

Within five minutes I spot a bicycle just laying outside of a school. I had to go back half a block to get into the school area to grab a shot.

Two minutes later I spot the cart! It’s by the bus stop just waiting for me. I crossed to street to get a close up shot.

I made my way to Revere Beach and my feet were cooked from jogging on pavement in the 95 degree weather. I quickly made my way to the sand! This is where I got a picture of the bird! 

Turns out that Revere Beach is hosting a festival this weekend with sand sculptures, music and some rides!

If you have 2 minutes, watch the quick video.

On the way back home I saw a cool not so rusty little machine!

On the rusty machines front, I went by the rusty car again and took a day picture. It’s a pretty cool challenger!

Close to my house I found a recent accident. I didn’t investigate, but here is a 30 second video of it!

I intended for this to be published before going to the movies, but it’s getting posted AFTER and it’s Saturday 1:20am!

Hope you have a great weekend!